Unforgettable moments from the CHOGM opening
In keeping with the survey of Caribbean blogs that tell us that here in The Bahamas we are not alone, here's a taste of what the CHOGM attendees (including our own Prime Minister, who appears to believe that the building on Shirley Street we call the National Centre for the Performing Arts is good enough for the Bahamian people) had to experience in Trinidad and Tobago. The photograph is from the inside of their spanking-new National Academy for the Performing Arts (which takes one's breath away). The commentary is less flattering, though. Go have a read.
To say it got mixed reviews is an understatement. Some people loved it. Others hated it. I wish I had seen all of it. But of what I saw, the following moments from the opening cultural show for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting stood out most ...
* P L E A S U R E *: Those unforgettable moments from the CHOGM opening